Announcement for the application for grants and prizes for the distribution of Italian books through the translation of fiction and non-fiction works, as well as for the production, dubbing and subtitling of films, short films and tv series intended for mass media circulation
Please find here the announcement for the application for grants and prizes for the distribution of Italian books through the translation of fiction and non fiction works, as well as for the production, dubbing and subtitling of films, short films and tv series intended for mass media circulation.
Read moreCasanova: The Great Adventurer.
The Dante Alighieri Society of BC invites you to a web talk by Alessandro Marzo Magno on Giacomo Casanova. Who was Giacomo Casanova? Discover the man and the adventurer behind the name in our upcoming event (in Italian with English translation in the chat – beginners of Italian welcome!). Writer Alessandro Magno will take us on a […]
Read moreRepatriation of the remains of our late Consul General Marco Nobili
The repatriation of the remains of Consul General Marco Nobili will take place on January 27. Flags at Parliament buildings in Victoria will be flown at half-mast from sunrise to sunset on January 27. As part of this tribute by the Province of British Columbia the Italian flag will be flown on the courtesy flagpole In […]
Read moreIntervento dell’On. Ministro Tajani alla cerimonia allo Yad Vashem per la Giornata della Memoria
In occasione della Giornata della Memoria, che si celebrerà il prossimo 27 gennaio p.v., la registrazione video dell’intervento dell’On. Ministro Antonio Tajani alla cerimonia che ha avuto luogo allo Yad Vashem di Gerusalemme e’ disponibile al seguente link:
Read moreIn memory of Consul General Marco Nobili
A Prayer Service in memory of Consul General Marco Nobili will be held on Friday, January 19th at 7pm in the Grand Ballroom of the Italian Cultural Centre (3075 Slocan Street, Vancouver BC).
Read morePassing of Consul General Marco Nobili
Grief and disbelief fill our souls as we announce the sudden passing of our Consul General Marco Nobili, who died unexpectedly last night, at 57, leaving a wife and two children. To them goes a heartfelt collective hug from the entire staff of the Consulate.
Read moreJanuary 11, 2024: Canada implements the APOSTILLE
Following Canada’s ratification of the Hague Convention, as of January 11, 2024, a new authentication procedure known as the Apostille applies to public documents issued in Canada (such as vital records, legal and educational documents) for use in Italy. The Apostille replaces the legalization currently issued by the Italian consular network in Canada. For further information […]
Read moreNovità in finanziaria: la mancata iscrizione all’A.I.R E. è ora sanzionata.
Si ricorda all’utenza che al comma 2 dell’articolo 242 della legge 30 dicembre 2023 n. 213 viene stabilito che salvo che il fatto costituisca reato, l’omissione della dichiarazione di trasferimento di residenza dall’estero o all’estero entro il termine previsto rispettivamente dall’articolo 13, comma 2, del regolamento di cui al decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 30 […]
Read moreG7 Italia 2024
On January 1, 2024, Italy assumed, for the seventh time, the Presidency of the G7: the group that brings together Italy, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The G7, in which the European Union also participates, is united by common values and principles and plays an invaluable role […]
Read moreEvent by the Dante Alighieri Society of BC
On January, January 20 at 12pm PST the Dante Alighieri Society of BC organizes a web talk by Italian diplomat Fabrizio Nava “True North: Still True? Canada Seen through Italian Eyes”. For further information and to register: True North: Still True? Canada seen through Italian eyes.
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