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Emergency Travel Documents (ETD)

Loss or theft of a passport- procedure for non-residents
Loss or theft of a passport must first be reported to the local Police.
Once the report has been filed with the local Police, an Emergency Travel Document (ETD) can be requested, upon presentation of the following documents at the Consulate:
– appropriate application form, filled out and signed (PASS07 for adults or PASS08 for minors);
– copy of the report or a letter from the Police attesting to the report of the loss or theft of the passport;
– valid picture ID;
– two recent (taken within the past six months) good-quality colour photographs, 3.5 x 4.5 cm, on a white background (more information available here)
– photocopy of the missing passport, or indication of its number, date of issue and issuing authority
– e-ticket or booking of the return flight to fly back to Italy or to the applicant’s country of residence, complete with indication of the transit airports.

The ETD has avalidity of only few days, can only be used to go back to one’s home country and cannot be used for other travel purposes. Its cost is indicated in the Table of Consular Fees.